Sunday, April 19, 2009

"Solaris", Strep and More!

Hey all.
As you can tell from my lack of positive sentence structure, I'm not feeling well. I think I might have strep. What the heck, just one out of a million bad days, right? And today's been OK, so it's not like I feel suicidal or anything.
Anyway, some positive news: first two pages of my comic strip are finished. It won't be up on the website for some time though, as there needs to be actual text to read it. Quite happy so far- very visual. Maybe I'll get an Oscar for this- Oh, wait, that's for movies. Never mind.
A movie I've been dying to see called "Solaris" arrived in the post for me (courtesy of, and I am so looking forward to sitting down and watching it. It's in the "1001 Movies" book, and in the Criterion Collection, both of which I adore, so this is a double whammy for me. I'll post a review on my other blog when I've seen it.
So... how're you?

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